Singapore Attractions

We really enjoyed Singapore.

I have never been to somewhere so green and lush with plant life, especially in the city. Nothing prepares you for the humidity. Every day was pool day though. We stayed at great hotel, Furama Riverfront Hotel with a lagoon pool (a lot of pools in Singapore seem to be lap ones in comparison) and was open until 11pm which gave us some flexibility. It was very warm even at night!

One piece of advice must stress is wherever you go in Singapore, see ‘must see’ outdoor activities first. The rain and lightning can last for hours and places shut down until it passes. Plan to see the Supertree night show early on in your trip so you don’t miss this ‘must see’ due to the weather misbehaving.
Please follow the links below to read more about each Singapore experience!

Singapore SEA Aquarium

Singapore Zoo

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