Disney Glass Domes - How to make one
Instructions on how to make the Disney Glass Domes
1. You need to purchase a glass dome and lights. K Mart Australia is currently selling these together in one neat box for $10. Its a yellow light that does not get hot so is great for kids. It is also battery operated too so no need to worry about cords hanging out.
From K Mart, $10. |
2. Find your image. You just need a black silhouette - and the bigger the size the better. Just search for 'Vinyl Decals' for sale on Etsy.com and Ebay. You will get sent the vinyl sticker and you just stick it on the dome.
The picture needs to be about 10 cm high to about 15 cm high maximum. The width can be about 10 cm wide. You can fit three different pictures on your dome in total (as you cannot see the other pictures on the same dome, particularly when it is lit up).
Alternatively, you can make your own image - and print directly on to 'sticker' paper (otherwise known as printer address labels). Once printed, go over with a black texta. It doesn't matter if the image comes off as 'labels' as its a silhouette and you can easily fix it by adding more black sticky pieces to your picture.
You can also draw freehand the images on to the sticky labels directly and go over with texta. Use a craft knife to cut out any finer bits of the image.
If you are making your own image yourself, 'block images' are infinitely easier to deal with in terms of cutting them out. Its good to have 'see through' parts though so you can have the light coming through.
3. Cut out your image and stick on the dome!! Easy!
Of course, the type of images you can use is endless - and not restricted to Disney! These instructions are applicable for Halloween and Christmas too and other celebrations. The sticky labels come off smoothly, so you could replace the image every time you feel like it.
Would love to hear any comments and suggestions,
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