Guest Reviews

Currently I am not accepting any more Guest Reviewers at this point in time. This may change in the future.

We are also now on Facebook. Please join us on Facebook Theme Park Travel Guide 

Some guidelines for Guest Reviews:

The post can be about any theme park, zoo, wildlife park in the world, not just the places I've visited.

Upon submission, your work is deemed truthful and correct at the time of submission to me and any photos are deemed your own and that you have copyright ownership of.

You can write specifically about your favourite rides

Please write less then a page in total (3 paragraphs is plenty or about 500 words). 

You can remain totally anonymous. Although I do request you are linked to an alias name. If you do more then one post I can then link all your posts together.

What to write about:

Detail your approximate age(s), tips on transport options you used in getting there, getting around the park, comment on food options and any bargain places to eat.

With ride reviews please tell us your experience of the ride-details about what day of the week you visited, about the queue waiting time, pre-ride entertainment, how the ride was for all members of the party, some information/description of the ride and why you enjoyed the ride or didn't.


Please submit any pictures that you have copyright ownership for. If you do not have pictures that is ok, you can still submit a review. Any pictures are your own copyright and attributed to you (or alias/ or social media account) within the blog post. I do not own your pictures.

I can embed You Tube videos into the blog, thereby keeping yourself as copyright owner. Any video links back to your You Tube account.

Unfortunately, I cannot pay you for your submission. However, I can post links to your instagram, Facebook, Twitter or other account within the blog.

I will only publish your post upon receiving written confirmation via email that you are happy for me to publish.

If for some reason I cannot publish your blog post I will let you know.

Thanks for reading and hope to hear from you soon.



The Smith Family (Singapore)

L.C (Former WDW Cast member reviews on WDW and Universal Studios
Jungle Skipper (Paris Disneyland)

Melissa, from UTube
(Disney Cruises)

Emma and Anthony @themeparkcouple(Twitter and Instagram)



Melanie from

Troid Family

Summer Migliori and you can follow her on Twitter or Instagram: @sumomigs

Dainaize - You can follow her on Instagram @DainaizeSH

The Brumfield Family
The Brizzy Family
 Amber Carioli from Pin my life
This site may contain affiliate links. When you click on a link, we receive a small percentage of an affiliate sale without any cost to you. Thank you for your support!

This Website is neither endorsed nor affiliated with any Disney Park or Universal Studios park worldwide. This website is unofficial. To avoid disappointment please always check the official websites for current details of rides etc.  Please read my full Disclaimer here.


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