
Showing posts from January, 2019

Awesome Walt Disney World Merchandise you can get in the Parks right now

Disney Store, Miami This week I thought I would cov er some of th e a wesome Walt D isney Wo rld Merchandise yo u c an get in the Parks (or D isney Shops!) right now. All of th ese items were for sale below. The categories covered b elow are: Collectables, Bags, Park Merchan dise, Music, Books, Toys, Pets, Pho ne accessories, Magic Bands and Homewares. The Art of Disney Store in Di sney Springs and EPCOT has a very large rang e of p rints, paintings, collectable s and even tapestries. Disney's Days of Christmas s tore is located in Disney Springs and is a huge shop filled with C hris tmas decorations year round with a D isney theme. The Disney's Character Warehouse is located at the Orlando Vine land Pre mium Outlets. We got there v ia Lyft fo r $1 7 from the Disney All Star Music resort. The Disney Store Miami, also had some Disney ite ms I did not see an ywhere else. A lot of mugs/cups and ho mewares. The Disney S tore in Disney S prings and ...

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